Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I want to know you

I woke up this morning, still feeling his arms around me... then I realised it was just a dream, and "he" isn't real, nor do I know him and have never met him before, but I take it from the dream that he cares about me, and I him. Its not the first time I've dreamt about him, in fact, he's been showing up more frequently. I don't know his name, how I met him, but I know that we are close. The dreams are nothing out of the ordinary, almost seem real sometimes. I wake up sometimes and wish I could fall back asleep just to see him again. I won't lie, he is pretty good looking, even in the dream I catch myself staring and thinking "how is he in my life?" but then reality strikes and I realise he's not. But I can trust him. I tell him about the problems I'm having and he listen, he comforts me. He gets on well with my friends, and they all seem to like him. He's sweet, and kind, and funny, and he knows me so well. We always have so much fun together, and I am smiling when he's around, and I swear I can feel his warmth when he pulls me in for a hug. His embrace is comfortable, so familiar, I don't want to leave his side. He's my best friend, and sometimes I think he might be something more.

May sound weird or pathetic, but I wish he was real, or if he is, I wish he would hurry up and be in my life.
I hate to admit it, but couples make me feel so, single! With most the majority of my friends dating, and some even engaged (or planning on it) I have been feeling more single then normal, even my cat doesn't seem to help (I still love you though Jack).

I guess I'm just looking for someone to be there, you know?